Early during 1991, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Rosary Guild was formed in the Bryan/College Station area with Monsignor John McCaffrey serving as its moderator. Our Guild was established as an affiliate of an international rosary apostolate, Our Lady’s Rosary Makers of Louisville, Kentucky.
Our Guild emerged as an outgrowth of a small group of women from areas parishes who had, for many years, been making inexpensive cord rosaries which were distributed free to local prisons, hospitals, and RE students as well as foreign missions. However, over time the demand for these rosaries began to far exceed our physical ability to meet the need and our financial ability to sustain the apostolate.
Our Louisville headquarters suggested that the missionary apostolate would be sustained if members would learn to make and sell beautiful chain rosaries. This we have done through the years and over time we have expanded into a very active religious gift shop that serves not only the Bryan/College Station area but is also a blessing for outlying area parishes. The Guild, though relatively young has become a vibrant mission rosary and religious gift shop apostolate meeting both local and foreign needs. Members have also contributed to the international brown scapular apostolate, and care for the altar linens for our parish.
The Guild is based in St. Joseph’s Parish with its 40 plus members coming from many of our area parishes. All proceeds from the apostolate are contributed to the Parish Sanctuary Fund.Becoming a Partner and Sharing in the Good Works of the Guild
Have you ever wondered how you might become involved in the apostolate of the Guild? Members of the Guild have identified a number of ways in which your participation would be welcome: